Counselling & Psychotherapy Fees
Jane Kibblewhite

When you contact me we will speak in full confidence and we can book an initial appointment. This initial session is a opportunity for me to begin to understand you and your situation, and it gives you time to become acquainted with me and whether this is right for you.

If you decide to proceed with counselling/psychotherapy we will book an agreed number of regular sessions after which we can review.

Appointment Fees

My fees for initial appointment and subsequent sessions is £55/hour.

Jane Kibblewhite - Counselling & Psychotherapy Dip COT, CTA. Reg, UKCP, HPC

Jane came to become a fully qualified counsellor and psychotherapist (UKCP Registered) via her work as an Occupational Therapist in the National Health Service. Through these qualifications Jane has gained foundation training in both physical and psychological medicine with the emphasis on practical approaches to achieve joyful wellbeing, by seeing and experiencing life from new perspectives.

She has over 20 years experience working in the field of applied psychology, both within the National Health Service and privately. Jane’s core training is Transactional Analysis, using the practical conceptual tools and techniques it provides to promote personal growth and change.

Through her wide experience of working closely with people with varied obstacles, Jane’s work recognises the importance of people needing to face and overcome the challenges of life so that they are able to lead a fulfilled life in the present.

Her methods include exploring the way which will directly suit the client; whether it be strategic focused methods or quiet reflective awareness. Jane’s approach is to explore collaboratively the challenges and difficulties in a client’s life in order to work out the best way forward.

Jane has worked with individuals and couples dealing with a wide range of shocks and difficulties, including anxiety, ill health, work and education problems, break-downs in relationship and bereavement.

Her experience includes working at NHS National Specialist Centres in pain management, chronic fatigue and cancer. Jane is currently involved in training and supervising other practitioners as well as providing services to organisations and charities to help with developing compassionate practices.

Jane is married with a family, is a keen potter, and is also interested in yoga and meditation. Her knowledge of these two practices translates into her work generally to promote calm and mindful living.

To make an appointment call us on
01225 868 282
or feel free to fill in the form below