Microsuction Ear Wax Removal
A small amount of earwax is good because it’s there to protect the ear canal and lubricate it, catching dust and creating an environment to fight off bacteria.
However, a build up of ear wax can lead to earache, hearing loss, tinnitus, itchiness, blocked ear feeling and whistling hearing aids.
It’s often caused by the use of cotton buds, inner ear headphones, hearing aids, genetics, age and our work environment.
Microsuction is a newer, safer way of removing an excess of wax. The wax is removed by a tiny, sterilised suction probe placed in the ear canal to gently suck out the build up.
As against, older water irrigation techniques, It is cleaner and more comfortable for the patient and only requires oiling the ears for a couple of days beforehand. Because there is no use of water being introduced into the canal, there is much less likelihood of infection following the procedure.
The clinician uses high magnification ‘loupes’ and a light to see directly into the patients ear canal so they can accurately view any blockage and remove it safely.