Osteopathy; sports injuries and performance

Osteopaths have worked with some of the worlds’ leading sports people and can help people of all ages and abilities in a variety of different ways. Osteopaths work with unique key principles, one of which is seeing the body as a whole unit. This means that we identify the real root cause of the problem.

If a structure of the body is injured, it is highly guaranteed that your body will naturally compensate to take pressure off the site of injury. Initially, this can be of great benefit but these compensations can often linger and lead to other issues over a period of time. 

Sports injuries can often arise from these "hidden" compensations, such as a restricted joints, which in turn can cause another area within the body to undertake extra mechanical stress over a chronic period of time. This can lead to another injury.

Osteopathic therapy is utilised to both help treat region of injury AND deduce if this injury is caused by another restriction/compensation. Once discovered these areas can be treated via a wide range of techniques, including soft tissue, myofascial release, joint mobilisation, spinal manipulation and functional release.

Benefits of treatment:

Improved performance.

Increased joint mobility to optimise biomechanical efficiency.

Lengthening and/or relaxing contracted muscles which might be linked to slow recovery.

Prevention and resolution of recurrent injuries.

Management of hypermobility.

Acute injury management and healing.

An understanding of biomechanical strains within the body. 

Osteopathy not only looks at the structural causes of injury, but also any functional dysfunctions within the body. At Church Street Practice, functional osteopathy is our specialty; this allows the body to enter a more optimal state of self-regulation and self-healing.

Austyn Hall M.Ost has a real passion for sport, a special interest in performance and hyper mobility syndrome and can work alongside Richard Turner, our sports massage and soft tissue therapist who leads the massage programme at Bath University.

All our practitioners offer a free 15 minute chat to see how we might be able to help you. Call on 01225 868282.

Sara Hutson